The Chicken and the Egg
What came first? Apparently, there's an answer to this.
Or, maybe there's an answer to this. As with any scientific article, the dutiful reporter makes sure to note possible errors or opposing opinions. The way I think about it, science is a recording of temporary opinions we have about the way the world works. These opinions, however, have evolved so much over time that there isn't much that has held true over the years. I say, shucks to empiricism, as what I observe may be different than what you do. I say, shoot down the theories that so many feel sure about it's stated as fact. I say, I'm done with conclusions.
Let's bring on the questions!
Or, maybe there's an answer to this. As with any scientific article, the dutiful reporter makes sure to note possible errors or opposing opinions. The way I think about it, science is a recording of temporary opinions we have about the way the world works. These opinions, however, have evolved so much over time that there isn't much that has held true over the years. I say, shucks to empiricism, as what I observe may be different than what you do. I say, shoot down the theories that so many feel sure about it's stated as fact. I say, I'm done with conclusions.
Let's bring on the questions!
The Chicken and the Egg
I think the Gita encourages questions, too. Not being attached to answers, but still acting, asking the questions. I like it.
- Balasana (Child's Pose)
- Shift forward onto the forearms and back, moving between the two
- Table pose
- Circling hips in table, every which direction
- Cat/cow spine
- Vyaghrasana (Tiger Pose). Exhale bring the arm and leg back in towards the torso. Inhale to extend, moving between the two
- Repeat on other side
- Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog)
- Plank
- Move between steps 8 and 9
- Tadasana (Mountain Pose)
- Parsva Tadasana (Side Mountain), arms above head, stretching to the side. Repeat other side
- Urdhva Hastasana (Upward Hands Pose), slight backbend
- Balakikasana (Crane Pose)
- Vrkasana (Tree Pose)
- Pavana Muktasana (Standing Wind Relieving Pose)
- Repeat steps 14-16 on other side
- Uttanasana (Forward Fold)
- Dandasana (Staff Pose)
- Janu Sirasana (Revolved Head to Knee Pose). Repeat on other side
- Upavishta Konasana (Seated Wide Angle Pose)
- Hasta Upavishta Konasana (Upward Seated Wide Angle Pose), balancing on sitting bones
- Matsyendrasana (Seated Twist). Repeat other side
- Savasana