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Mandala Sequence
- Lie down on the belly, hands stacked underneath forehead
- Inhale lift the head, exhale turn head to right and lower. Repeat side to side.
- Sphinx w cat/cow of spine
- Half frog rt leg
- Thread the needle to roll onto twist on back
- Open and close rt arm in twist
- Breath in twist
- Roll onto back (facing back of room)
- Opp knee into chest with breath alternating ("core work")
- Boat pose (facing back of room)
- Cat/cow (facing back of room)
- Rt leg forward
- Knee down twist
- Unwind, hands to inside of rt foot
- Knee down extended side angle
- Flow between knee down extended and knee down flip dog
- Gate
- Knee down half moon
- Rt leg into chest, place at front of the mat
- Runner's lunge, bend and straighten front leg
- High/crescent lunge
- Step from #21 directly to chair and back and forth
- Chair
- Figure 4, left foot grounded
- Tadasana
- Side stretches
- Fwd fold
- Plank
- Side plank, rt hand down
- Plank
- Repeat 1-30 on left side
- Belly down backbends
- DD--> 3 legged dog
- Rt knee to rt shoulder x3
- High lunge
- High lunge twist
- Warrior II
- Extended
- Reverse
- Triangle
- Balancing Half Moon
- Warrior II
- 3 legged to flip dog
- 3 legged (still rt leg)
- High lunge again with rt leg
- Warrior III or Toppling Tree
- Chair
- Flying Pigeon
- Tadasana
- Side stretches
- Vinyasa
- Repeat 32-51 other side
- Pigeon both side
- Cool down