Mandala Sequence

  1. Lie down on the belly, hands stacked underneath forehead
  2. Inhale lift the head, exhale turn head to right and lower. Repeat side to side.
  3. Sphinx w cat/cow of spine
  4. Half frog rt leg
  5. Thread the needle to roll onto twist on back
  6. Open and close rt arm in twist
  7. Breath in twist
  8. Roll onto back (facing back of room)
  9. Opp knee into chest with breath alternating ("core work")
  10. Boat pose (facing back of room) 
  11. Cat/cow (facing back of room) 
  12. Rt leg forward
  13. Knee down twist
  14. Unwind, hands to inside of rt foot
  15. Knee down extended side angle
  16. Flow between knee down extended and knee down flip dog
  17. Gate
  18. Knee down half moon
  19. Rt leg into chest, place at front of the mat
  20. Runner's lunge, bend and straighten front leg
  21. High/crescent lunge
  22. Step from #21 directly to chair and back and forth
  23. Chair
  24. Figure 4, left foot grounded
  25. Tadasana
  26. Side stretches
  27. Fwd fold
  28. Plank
  29. Side plank, rt hand down
  30. Plank
  31. Repeat 1-30 on left side
  32. Belly down backbends
  33. DD--> 3 legged dog
  34. Rt knee to rt shoulder x3
  35. High lunge
  36. High lunge twist
  37. Warrior II
  38. Extended
  39. Reverse
  40. Triangle
  41. Balancing Half Moon
  42. Warrior II
  43. 3 legged to flip dog
  44. 3 legged (still rt leg)
  45. High lunge again with rt leg
  46. Warrior III or Toppling Tree
  47. Chair
  48. Flying Pigeon
  49. Tadasana
  50. Side stretches
  51. Vinyasa
  52. Repeat 32-51 other side
  53. Pigeon both side
  54. Cool down

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