Hey! I write books!
Because of amazing support and infinite love from around the world, my first book, The Joy of Yoga, did splendiforously and has been translated into five languages, come out in paperback, and a second hardcover printing with photos is in the works. Bless your beautiful hearts. I always say I feel like I'm writing into the void, and it is a humble shock when the void says "hi" back at me. Hello.
Also because the first book did so well, a second AND third book are out in the world. Yoga Twists and Turns is another book of fifty sequences, this time for intermediate and advanced students. I heard the call: you're ready to kick your own butt and take it up to the next level. Go for it!
Finally, I was asked to write a book about how to bring some of the practices of yoga and meditation into the office space. That book is Office Zen. I'm really proud of all of these books-- and so is my mom.
All of these pretttttty rockin' books (if I do say so myself) on Amazon.com (in multiple languages!), although you can find me on Indiebound.com and Barnes and Nobles, too.
If you would like me to guest teach or plan a workshop for the studio you own, teach at, or practice with, please send me a line at thejoyofyogabook at gmail dot com. I would love to meet you in person and give you a proper hug.
In the meantime: Thank you for everything, I have no complaints whatsoever.