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Fun sequence with Balancing Side Crow with Eagle Legs
- Begin in supported supta baddha konasana with blocks
- Legs in eagle, hands prayer position twist crunches (twist to same side each time, in the direction of the leg that's on top)
- Bridge with robot arms, pressing into elbow
- Repeat eagle leg crunches on other side
- Bridge with robot arms, transition to bridge with hands interlaced
- Happy Baby
- DD
- 3-4 Sun As
- 3-4 Sun Bs
- Balancing sequence: Left foot down, right leg off the ground. Dancer's Pose-->Standing Wind Relieving Pose-->#4 legs. In this position, rest your forearms on the balancing legs shin. Then walk your hands to two blocks, placed at the highest point, off the right side of your mat. *repeat other side.
- Chair Pose
- Chair Twist to right
- Side crow
- Vinyasa to DD
- Pigeon with rt leg. Wave torso over bent knee.
- Vinyasa to DD
- Warrior II with rt leg
- Dancing/Peaceful Warrior
- Triangle
- Extended Side Angle
- Lizard
- Half Side Plank with flow
- Vinyasa to DD
- Repeat from 11-23
- Belly down backbends
- Sphinx
- Roll to rt side of body
- Bend left knee, place left foot in front of right knee
- Bend right knee, grab a hold of foot with left hand
- Pressing into hand and left foot stand up (should be facing sideways on mat)
- Repeat step #10, but instead of coming onto blocks in the last stage, come into side crow with eagle legs
- Step back to 3-legged dog
- Warrior I
- Humble Warrior
- Vinyasa
- Repeat steps 31-35 other side
- Pigeon with hold
- Janu Sirsasana
- Parivrtta janu sirsasana
- Repeat 27-39 other side
- Supine twists
- Gentle inversions
- Savasana