Yoga Journal Playlists

A great resource for those looking for new songs to play during class or personal practice, Yoga Journal has a site featuring Yoga Playlists. I have my issues with Yoga Journal as a magazine (someone please explain to me why it's okay to have weight loss pill ads in there?), but this is genuinely a helpful site.

Currently, they are featuring tunes that go well with Sun Salutations. It's a good mix of traditional (Deva Premal and Mitri) and nontraditional (Bob Marley) performers. Today, we'll welcome the sunshine of spring (um, at least here in the States) with a practice devoted to the sun.

 Yoga Journal Playlists

Gayatri Mantra by Deva Premal and Miten:
  1. Sukhasana (Easy Pose)
  2. Gentle twist to one side and the other
  3. Head and neck rolls
  4. Placing hands on knees, use the hands to "pull" the chest open towards the knees
  5. Exhale, bring the chest back slightly behind the hips, making a C curve with the back
  6. Flow between steps 4 and 5

Surya by Jai Uttal and Ben Leinbach

     7.  Sun Salutation A

Gayatri by Girish

     8. Sun Salutation B

(Final Curtain Call) Let the Sun Shine In by the New Broadway Cast of Hair and Sun Is Shining by Bob Marley
      9. Sun Salutation Vinyasa into Virabhadrasana II. Turn the palms upward making the hands into cups, like your hands are trying to catch falling water. Repeat other side. 
    10. Sun Salutation Vinyasa to Virabhadrasana II. Take prayer hands in front of your heart. On an inhale "fly" the hands out to the traditional "T" position. Flowing with breath move the hands from prayer to T position. Repeat other side.                                  
    11. Sun Salutation Vinyasa to Virabhadrasana II
    12. Parivrtta Virabhadrasana II (Revolved Warrior)
    13. Parsvakonasana (Extended Side Angle
    14. Flow between steps 12 and 13
    15. Repeat steps 11-14 on other side 

In the Sun by Donna De Lory
     16. Chakrasana (Wheel Pose). Repeat three times 
     17. On back curl into ball, bringing head towards knees 
     18. Paschimottasana (Seated Forward Fold Pose)

Gayatri (Luscious Chill Mix) by Wah

Any closing postures: headstand/handstand, final twists, and poses the body needs

Sunrise by Norah Jones


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