Ustrasana/Camel Pose

Have you seen this YogaDork post?

In it, they discuss this Lululemon ad:


As per usual with YogaDork, there have been a maelstrom of comments pro- anti- and don't-give-a-* about the ad. Personally, I just like the pose.

From my favorite pose post earlier this week, The Dusk Zone said this was her favorite. This one took awhile for me to love. At first, I didn't really know what to do with my neck, so I just felt awkward. Should I let it drop back? Should I tuck my chin? Somewhere in between?

These days I just let the neck fall back, lift up my chest, and feel totally nuts. Heart openers... sigh.


um hmm thats right uh huh
oh no
fix yourself girl
you got a
Camel Toe
um hmm thats right uh huh
oh no
fix yourself girl
you got a
Camel Toe
-Fanny Pack, "Camel Toe" 
  1. Vajrasana (Diamond Pose)
  2. Sasangasana (Rabbit Pose)
  3. Threading one arm under the other to twist. Repeat other side.
  4. Cat/cow
  5. Extend opposite arm and leg to balance. Repeat other side.
  6. Kneedown Tadasana (Mountain Pose)
  7. Taking both hands to the waist, move the weight of your torso slightly backwards and then slightly forwards, knees to head aligned. You should feel this in your core.
  8. One armed Ustrasana (Camel Pose) [one hand to foot, other to sky]
  9. Repeat with other arm back
  10. Flow between steps 8 and 9
  11. Cat/cow
  12. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose)
  13. Uttanasana (Forward Fold Pose)
  14. Tadasana
  15. Upavistha Hastasana (Standing Upward Arms)
  16. Exhale, bending at torso, bring raised arms parallel to the floor
  17. Hold for 3-5 breaths
  18. Exhale to Uttanasana
  19. Inhale, come back halfway arms now at "T" position. Hold for 3-5 breaths
  20. Uttanasana
  21. Adho Mukha Svanasana
  22. Three-legged Dog, drawing circles in the air with the knee
  23. Repeat other leg
  24. Jump or step through to seated
  25. Coming to face the wall, pressing your front thighs into the wall, Ustrasana
  26. Garbasana (Child's Pose)
  27. Cat/cow
  28. Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Fold)
  29. Bringing your back to the wall (arm's length away), bring arms up and over head, eventually pressing palms of hands into the wall for Ustrasana variation
  30. Garbasana
  31. Upavista Konasana (Seated Wide Angle)
  32. Supta Konasana (Reclined Angle)
  33. Halasana (Plow Pose)
  34. Sarvangasana (Shoulderstand Pose)
  35. Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Shoulderstand Pose)
  36. Supta Matsyendrasana (Reclined Twist). Repeat other side. 
  37. Savasana (Corpse Pose)

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