Did I make this pose up

Ever start really flowing and going in a personal practice, to the point where you really are out of your thinking mind, and then you catch yourself in a pose, and think: Is this actually an asana? Anyone ever name this one before? Am I, gasp, a pose-inventor?

Now, folks, inventing a pose isn’t exactly like coming across a bug no one has ever found before. It’s likely that it’s been done thousands of times, even if Patanjali’s contemporaries never thought to say, oh yeah let’s give that one a name. But, it still feels neat.

This bizzaro combination of Camel and Runner’s lunge felt like a lovely back bend, calf and ankle stretch, and heart opener. I’ll try it again in the future, but, for now, I’m working on copyrighting it. Better stay away until then.

Did I make this pose up?

There are two variations for the Emma (yeah, I’m calling it that, try and stop me). The more challenging of the two, for me, has the feet pointed. The other version has them flexed. Of course, you can play around with one pointed the other flexed; just see how the Emma can work for you!

  1. Vajrasana (Diamond Pose)
  2. Gomukhasana (Face of Light Pose)
  3. Garbasansa (Child’s Pose)
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 on other side
  5. Cat/cow in table pose
  6. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose)
  7. Step through to low lunge
  8. Bend and straighten back knee, letting it just hover about the floor
  9. Vinyasa to repeat on other side
  10. Low lunge, bending and straightening front leg
  11. Try taking hands off of floor and onto hips to continue bending and straightening
  12.  Vinyasa to repeat on other side
  13. Vinyasa to seated
  14. Ardha Ustrasana (Half Camel Pose). Repeat on other side
  15. Flowing with breath, inhale going back, exhaling coming up, move between both side of Half Camel
  16.  Cat/cow in table
  17. Adho Mukha Svanasana
  18. Step through to low lunge
  19. The Emma
  20. Vinyasa to repeat the Emma on other side
  21. Vinyasa to seated
  22. Ustrasana (Camel Pose)
  23. Garbasana
  24. Matysendrasana (Seated Twist). Repeat other side
  25. Janu Sirsasana (Seated Head to Knee Pose)
  26. Upavistha Konasana (Seated Wide Angle Pose)
  27. Repeat step 25
  28. Dandasana (Staff Pose)
  29. Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Fold)
  30. Halasana (Plow Pose)
  31. Slowly take legs up and over head, and lower very slowly with breath, engaging core
  32. Savasana

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