Mobile Yoga
A couple of other yoblogas (word I have at this moment chosen to use instead of "Yoga Blogs") have reported on Mobile Yoga.
I would insert a video on this new amalgamation, but their YouTube videos all appear to be down and the link it's all yoga, baby has isn't working, either. I'm figuring the folks behind Mobile Yoga (Rollerblade USA) removed it for some reason, although I am a bit curious as to why that would be.
It was pitched to me thusly: "It's a new workout that incorporates inline skating & yoga, developed by a certified yoga and inline skate instructor. The goal of the workout is to integrate the push/glide rhythm and aerobic qualities of inline skating with the meditative and self-awareness of yoga." I think I would fall on my toochis and break something. Maybe, then, it would improve my yoga practice because I would have to be patient with my new injury.
There are, however, videos on their newly launched website. On the main page is the video, and your sequence of the day. If you can do it, I suppose.