My Yoga Life's Sequence for Runners

With all the lovely weather springing up (get it? springing up? get it?) across the US, runners everywhere are tying up their laces and hitting the road. This week, on the blog My Yoga Life there is a great sequence, complete with photos for people who love to run and need a good stretch to go with it.

Full disclourse: I hate running, but envy those who can do it. My bestie, Ms Valerie, is running in the Boston Marathon this year, and she's my heroine. So, for all those folks out there who can do what I cannot, check out this great sequence, and while you are at it, the My Yoga Life blog where this sequence, and other yoga-brilliance, can be discovered.

Callah writes:

"The first 9 poses can be flowed together with downward dogs, holding each pose for 5 breaths. Pigeon pose can be held for 5-10 breaths, depending on how tight the hip flexors are feeling."

To check out the Yoga Journal site where she created this sequence, and has the photos to go with it, link here. Enjoy the run, kids!

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