She stoops to conquer
For today's class at Cornell, I taught a sequence that could be done first on the knees, and then mimicked from Downward Dog. As an example, from table pose, we lifted the right leg at a 90 degree angle ("fire hydrant pose") and drew circles with the knee. When we made our way to DD, we did the same there.
The intention was to notice that while we might be making the same movement with our legs, it feels completely different because of where the rest of our body is. Maybe it will help give an idea as to why changes in the neck could affect a stretch in the hips.
The intention was to notice that while we might be making the same movement with our legs, it feels completely different because of where the rest of our body is. Maybe it will help give an idea as to why changes in the neck could affect a stretch in the hips.
She stoops to conquer
A yoga teacher tries not to stoop. She may, however: squat, get on her hands and knees, and balance on her butt.
- Sukhasana (Easy Pose)
- Seated Sun Breaths in Easy Pose
- Forward fold over bent knees
- Utthita Shisonasana (Puppy Pose). AKA Anahatasana
- Table
- Fire hydrant knee circles in table (see above for brief description)
- Take the leg and extend it behind you, pressing the ball of the foot into the floor (calf muscle stretch)
- Repeat 6 + 7 on other side
- Puppy Pose
- "Thread the Needle" in Puppy Pose, taking on arm underneath other for twist
- Repeat other side
- Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon Pose) on the knees
- Table
- Repeat on other side
- Repeat steps 12-14, or come into Chapasana (Half Moon with Bind)
- Puppy Pose
- Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose)
- Lift one leg and extend back and long. Flex the foot. Release down to floor.
- Repeat other legs
- Vinyasa
- Downward Dog
- Lift one legs, draw circles with knee. Repeat on other side.
- Vinyasa
- Downward Facing Dog
- Virabhadrasana I (Warrior I)
- Vinyasa
- Repeat steps 24-26 with other leg
- Repeat steps 24 and 25
- Virabhadrasana II (Warrior II)
- Vinyasa
- Repeat steps 28-30 on other side
- Again make your way through the poses to Vira II, straighten the front leg into Triangle (Trikonasana)
- Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon Pose). Bind into Chapasana if you like.
- Warrior II
- Vinyasa
- Repeat steps 32-35
- Child's Pose (Hold for 2-3 minutes, deepening the exhales)
- Come onto back
- Pavana Muktasana (Wind-relieving Pose)
- Supta Matsyendrasana (Reclined Twist)
- Repeat steps 39 and 40 on the other side
- Ananda Balasana (Happy Baby)
- Open the legs out, if you can, into Supta Konasana (Reclined Angle)
- Take inversion of choice
- Savasana