Thanks, Universe. I hear you.
After yesterday's post, it would make sense that the day wouldn't end without an emergency room visit. What better swift kick-in-the-ass reminder?
I get a call from Moosewood, but miss it before I can answer it. I call right back and ask to talk to Chris. The person who I get on the line says, "Oh, yeah, he cut himself." And then puts me on hold. Nice.
1-2 freaking out minutes later, Chris gets on the line. Let's me know the sitch, I come pick him up, we go to hospital, and he walks out with 4 stitches. Unexpected-ness, but he is well and I am well. In fact, he's currently working as we speak. My trooper.
I get a call from Moosewood, but miss it before I can answer it. I call right back and ask to talk to Chris. The person who I get on the line says, "Oh, yeah, he cut himself." And then puts me on hold. Nice.
1-2 freaking out minutes later, Chris gets on the line. Let's me know the sitch, I come pick him up, we go to hospital, and he walks out with 4 stitches. Unexpected-ness, but he is well and I am well. In fact, he's currently working as we speak. My trooper.
Thanks, Universe.
In honor of ripped up fingers, here's a sequence that doesn't require use of the hands or any pressure on them.
- Sukhasana (Easy Pose)
- Nadi Shodna Pranayama (Alternate Nostril Breath)
- Sun breaths in Easy Pose
- Tadasana (Mountain Pose)
- Sun Breaths in Mountain
- Goal post arms in Mountain, exhale "Ha!" to twist, twisting side to side (Hara breath). 1 minute.
- Virabhadrasana I (Warrior I)
- Virabhadrasana II (Warrior II)
- Virabhadrasana I (Warrior I)
- Virabhadrasana III (Warrior III)
- Tadasana
- Repeat steps 7-11
- Prasarita Padottanasana (Standing Wide Angle Forward Fold). Hold for 1-3 minutes
- Come up slowly
- Tadasana
- Kripalu Ardha Chandrasana (Kripalu Standing Half Moon). Repeat other side
- Urdhva Hastasana (Upward Arm Pose)
- Tadasana
- Savasana