Yoga for Hikers

The word vacation brings many things to mind: lounging on the beach, making your way through popular novels, drinking and eating copious amounts of fruit, etc. Which is why, on the 6th hour of my umpteenth hike, I thought to myself, "Is this my vacation?"

Yes, yes this is my vacation. I love hiking, and lounging on the beach feels so much more earned after a full week of treks. One hike, however, did my shins in something serious. It was a four hour monster uphill and an even more serious four hour slog back down. I have pictures of muddy shoes and whenever I find my stupid camera uploader I'll post them, but, in the meantime, you just have to take my word. Mud and sore shins galore. 

Immediately afterwards, exhausted, I knew that I would be hurting in a couple of days, but I would be hurting all the more if I didn't take some time to stretch. I did, and I still hurt like nobody's business, but it could have been much, much worse.

Yoga for Hikers

Many yogis enjoy an active lifestyle outside of the studio/yoga mat. Whatever your off-the-mat physical practice is, it's likely that both your yoga practice and your other active practices are mutually beneficial. For example, after a physically taxing day, I love Yin Yoga and restorative practices in general, to help prepare me for the next day, while at the same time taking care of any soreness from today. So, don't overdo it, listen to your body (duh), and go enjoy the great outdoors.

  1. Begin by lying face down on your mat, feeling your breath in your back body
  2. Makrasana (Crocodile Pose)
  3. Parsva Savasana (Half Corpse Pose). Repeat other side
  4. Sphinx pose
  5. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose). Lift and lower slowly, waving the torso to come gently into Cobra
  6. Rest again on stomach
  7. Urdhva Mukha Kapotanasana (Upward Facing Pigeon). Come into this pose on your back, using your hands to hold the leg in pigeon. Gently rock the leg like a baby to open hips further
  8. Supta Padangustasana (Reclined Big Toe Pose)
  9. Supta Trivikramasana (Reclined Vishnu Pose)
  10. Urdhva Mukha Paschimottanasana (Upward Facing Fold Pose)
  11. Repeat steps 7-10 with other leg
  12. Taking hands under knees, roll on spine, eventually coming to seated
  13. Matsyendrasana (Seated Twist). Repeat other side
  14. Tadasana (Mountain Pose)
  15. Uttanasana (Forward Fold Pose)
  16. Urdhva Hastasana (Upward Hands Pose)
  17. Parsvottanasana (Intense Stretch). Repeat other side
  18. Urdhva Hastasana
  19. Tadasana
  20. Natarajasana (Dancer's Pose). Repeat other side
  21. Prasarita Padottanasana (Wide Legged Forward Fold). Interlock fingers behind back to get a back and shoulder stretch as well. 
  22. Urdhva Hastasana
  23. Malasana (Garland Pose). Come into a deep squat to hold for 1-2 minutes
  24. Janu Sirsasana (Seated Head to Knee Pose). Repeat other side
  25. Supta Pavana Muktasana (Reclined Wind Relieving Pose). Repeat other side
  26. Savasana

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