Write-on Yoga's Article about the S-I Joint

Just a bit ago, Write-On Yoga wrote about poses for a common ache. I haven't had a chance to write a sequence about pain along the sacroiliac (S-I) joint, but this is an issue I hear about from many yoginis. I won't go too much into the S-I joint and its functions, as Write-On's article gives both a scientific background as well as good modifications. While it isn't intended this way, the poses she lists towards the end could work as a sequence. If that doesn't work for you, keep what was mentioned in mind the next time you practice, and notice if it helps. For example, instead of beginning practices in Sukhasana (Easy Pose), perhaps those with S-I pain might be better off starting in Vajrasana (Diamond Pose). In the future, I'll work on a good sequence for S-I pain, but, in the meantime, does anyone else have anything they like to do for this common issue?

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