Rocking the Goddess

I don't see Goddess Pose (Kaliasana) in many classes I take besides Kripalu style. It's not even on the Dharma Mittra photo site resource I link to below... and that really does have everything. That's too bad, though. This is a great pose; it strengthens the legs, builds heat, and engages the Uddiyana Bandha. When I go into it, I experience some of the same feelings I get when I enter Virabhadrasana II. I am profoundly aware of my own power and strength.

Rocking the Goddess

To come into Kaliasana, take the feet 2.5 to 3 feet apart. Take the toes 15-30 degrees out to the side (duck-footed). Bend at the knees, keep the knee in line over the ankle.  Avoid buckling the knees in. Allow the pelvic floor to drop; release any tension from that area. Keeping the torso straight upright, bring the arms out to the sides at 90 degree angles (with both arms up, your arms should make a goal post shape).

  1. Sukhasana (Easy Pose)
  2. Kapalabhati (Breath of Fire). Repeat for a total of three rounds
  3. Malasana (Garland Pose) [note: use a block if necessary and not warm enough]
  4. Bharadvajasana (Bharadvaja's Twist). Repeat other side
  5. Prapadasana (Tiptoe Pose)
  6. Uttanasana (Standing Forward Fold)
  7. Using hands for balance, move between steps 5 and 6, 25-50 times, exhaling as you come into Uttanasana
  8. Tadasana (Mountain Pose)
  9. Kaliasana (Goddess Pose)
  10. Move between steps 8 and 9, exhaling in Kaliasana [note: alternate the leg you use to step out into Kaliasana]
  11. Kaliasana
  12. Pulse knees in Goddess, slightly straightening and coming deeper
  13. Pause
  14. Sun breaths in Kaliasana
  15. Vrkasana (Tree Pose)
  16. Eka Pada Galavasana (One Leg Pose of the Sage Galava)
  17. Tadasana
  18. Repeat stps 15-17 on other side
  19. Kaliasana. Begin Kapalabhati breath. Pause. Hold for 5-10 full inhales and exhales
  20. Vinyasa to Chaturanga Dandasana (Plank Pose)
  21. Kapalabhati in Plank. Pause. Take 8-second count to lower fully to floor
  22. Rest on stomach
  23. Take 8-second count to raise back to Chaturanga Dandasana
  24. Garbasana (Child's Pose)
  25. Walk hands in front of you and off to one side for gentle side stretch. Repeat other side
  26. Roll onto back
  27. Pavana Muktasana (Wind Relieving Pose). Repeat other side
  28. Take both knees into chest, bringing head gently towards knees. Release.
  29. Ananda Balasana (Happy Baby Pose). Rock gently side to side
  30. Take legs into Garundasana (Eagle Pose) while still on back. Circle hips and knees gently.
  31. Repeat other side
  32. Savasana

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