Charlotte B. of Yoga Flavored Life
Now, say this in your best radio announcer voice, telling about the next song coming up (male, late 30's to early 40's):
"Coming your way today out of Yoga Flavored Life is Charlotte B., with a Restorative Sequence for all you high-powered kids over on Main Street in Hometown, USA (or Canada, Germany, New Zealand, just insert)."
I just couldn't write those two sentences without sounding like a dweeb in my head, so why not go all out, and request that it sound that way in everyone's head? Anyway.
Reading Charlotte's blog gave me a weird feeling like I was reading my own, for many posts. I don't have any kiddos, but there were so many things I would catch myself nodding my head to while reading. Charlotte comes from a Karate background, but hurt her knee. I come from a Tae Kwon Do background, and hurt my everything, but especially my right knee. Her post on Camel Pose (Ustrasana) made me nervous, if only because I worried she might think I wrote my own Camel post after reading her's (I swear! I hadn't read it, yet!). The one on Pigeon and Warrior I... those too.
I'm going to go ahead and post Charlotte's restorative sequence here, but I *highly* recommend ignoring me for the day, and just going to Charlotte's own post, which includes pictures and brief descriptions.
Here I go, but don't say you haven't been warned.
"Coming your way today out of Yoga Flavored Life is Charlotte B., with a Restorative Sequence for all you high-powered kids over on Main Street in Hometown, USA (or Canada, Germany, New Zealand, just insert)."
I just couldn't write those two sentences without sounding like a dweeb in my head, so why not go all out, and request that it sound that way in everyone's head? Anyway.
Reading Charlotte's blog gave me a weird feeling like I was reading my own, for many posts. I don't have any kiddos, but there were so many things I would catch myself nodding my head to while reading. Charlotte comes from a Karate background, but hurt her knee. I come from a Tae Kwon Do background, and hurt my everything, but especially my right knee. Her post on Camel Pose (Ustrasana) made me nervous, if only because I worried she might think I wrote my own Camel post after reading her's (I swear! I hadn't read it, yet!). The one on Pigeon and Warrior I... those too.
I'm going to go ahead and post Charlotte's restorative sequence here, but I *highly* recommend ignoring me for the day, and just going to Charlotte's own post, which includes pictures and brief descriptions.
Here I go, but don't say you haven't been warned.
Charlotte B. of Yoga Flavored Life
- Balasana (Supported Child's Pose)
- Supta Padangusthasana (Reclining Big Toe Pose)
- Upavistha Konasana (Reclined Forward Fold against wall)
- Viparita Karani (Legs up the Wall Pose)
- Savasana