Painting Sequence from babsbabble

I used to have a blog roll. It was useful for me, a reminder to check out the sites I know and love, and hopefully somewhat useful to those who were looking for new, interesting yoga sites. When it comes down to it, though, I am a flake, and never maintained it. Some blog writers decided to take a forever break from their blogs and other lovely, sparkly new things popped up, but you wouldn't know it from checking my blog roll.

So, I ditched it. Instead, on a weekly basis I head over to babsbabble. In the same way that movie goers or book readers have that one critic they just always agree with, the opinions just sync, that's how I feel about babs. Her blog roll is what mine would look like if I got my act together.

Here, then, is a sequence from her blog that I saw when I was doing my weekly reading rounds. She had been painting a lot... and well, just read it for yourself.

Enjoy the weekend, if you get one!

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