Growing in Tree Pose
Yesterday, in Chapel Hill, NC I finally made it to an "on the road" yoga class. It was a Baptiste-style power class, one hour long. I'd never been to a Baptiste class before and dragged Chris (poor, Yin-loving Chris) along with me. It was pretty darn tough. There was a whole sequence, about 10 minutes long on each side, that was all serious leg work. With no counterstretching. Getting into a car afterward and driving 4 hours to Asheville caused some serious leg cramping, but that's really my own fault. Although we were a little short on time, I could have stretched for 5 minutes to counter the heavy cardio-ness of Power yoga.
What I found really interesting about the class, however, was that the first pose (after Samasthiti, or "Ready" pose) was Tree Pose. It had never crossed my mind to have the first pose be a balancing pose. It was refreshing and new. Not sure what benefit it had on the body, but my mind got a bit of a start (in a good way). In praise of ingenuity, this sequence will focus around tree pose, and different variations therein. This might not feel like a long enough warm up for you; if that's the case, throw in one or twenty Sun Salutations between steps 15 and 16. That's more akin to what the Power class entailed.
What I found really interesting about the class, however, was that the first pose (after Samasthiti, or "Ready" pose) was Tree Pose. It had never crossed my mind to have the first pose be a balancing pose. It was refreshing and new. Not sure what benefit it had on the body, but my mind got a bit of a start (in a good way). In praise of ingenuity, this sequence will focus around tree pose, and different variations therein. This might not feel like a long enough warm up for you; if that's the case, throw in one or twenty Sun Salutations between steps 15 and 16. That's more akin to what the Power class entailed.
Growing in Tree Pose
- Samasthiti (Even Standing Pose)
- Vrksasana (Tree Pose). Repeat other side.
- Natarajasna (Dancer's Pose). Repeat other side.
- Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana (Standing Big Toe Pose). Bring leg out to the side, bring head and gaze in opposite direction
- Repeat other side
- Vinyasa to Plank
- Take 10 seconds to fully lower torso to floor
- Inhale, take 10 seconds to raise torso back to Plank Pose
- Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose). Lift one leg and circle knee to loosen hips and lower back.
- Repeat other leg
- Vinyasa to Plank
- Vasistasana (Side Plank Pose). If you can, bring top leg into Tree.
- Vinyasa to Plank
- Repeat step 12 on other side
- Vinyasa to Seated
- Janu Sirsasna (Head to Knee Pose).Think of the similarities between this pose and Tree, especially in the positioning of the feet.
- Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana (Revolved Head to Knee Pose)
- Upavistha Konasana (Seated Wide Angle Stretch Pose)
- Repeat steps 16 through 18 on other side
- Wide-legged Halasana (Plow Pose)
- Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand Pose)
- In a very well supported shoulder stand, bring the legs into tree pose. Repeat other side
- Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose)
- Curl torso into ball, head towards knees, for counterpose.
- Repeat steps 23 and 24 twice more
- Supta Matsyendrasana (Reclined Twist). Repeat other side
- Savansana