Prep Poses for Standing Splits Using a Wall
There are some great prep poses for doing standing splits against a wall. Here's a sequence to warm up the hips, strengthen the legs, and fire up the arm muscles.
To get into Standing Splits against the wall, I follow these steps:
- Downward Dog
- Draw right knee into chest
- Inhale to extend back into 3-legged dog
- Shift forward to 3-legged plank
- Shift back to 3-legged dog
- Inhale to lift onto the ball of your *left* foot, while keep *right* leg in the air
- Exhale to lower left heel, keeping right leg in the air
- Shift forward to 3-legged plank
- Keep repeating 4-8, 4-5x
- Bring right foot in between the hands
- Keeping hands on block or floor, bend and straighten right leg, moving torso with it
- High lunge
- Warrior III
- Standing splits
- Vinyasa
- Repeat from 1-15
To get into Standing Splits against the wall, I follow these steps:
- Downward Dog with heels to wall
- Exhale right knee into chest
- Pretend you're poking a hole in the ceiling as you extend right leg to sky
- Take top of foot ("laces side") to the wall
- Walk hands as close as you can to your foot
- Breathe deeply into those hip flexors!