Airplane Yoga

Yes, people will think you are crazy, but maybe you'll be the only one walking off the plane not aching and hunched over. These are in no particular order, as it might be hard to get any flow out of an airplane sequence. If you figure one out, let me know. I could use it for the flight back. 

Airplane Yoga

On long flights, it is a good idea to get up and move about the cabin once every hour or two. If you don't have a "real" reason to get up, go get a drink of water, as you should also drink a cup for the same time span. Much like the "If you give a mouse a cookie, he will need a glass of milk..." story, this will also make you need to use the restroom, another excellent opportunity to move around. 
  1. Dirgha Pranayama (Three Part Yogic Breath)
  2. Neck and shoulder rolls
  3. Wrist rolls
  4. Ankle rolls
  5. Interlocking fingers, raise arms above head. Gentle side to side motion, side stretch
  6. Taking hands to seat head in front of you, letting head and neck drop, stretching upper back.
  7. Move slightly forward in the seat, bringing hands behind you, gentle chest opener
  8. Hands on knees, gentle curving spine forward
  9. Move between steps 6 and 7
  10. Gentle seated twist using armrests, both sides
  11. Waiting for the restrooms, Natarajasana (Dancer's Pose). Repeat other side
  12. Tadasana (Mountain Pose)
  13. Self massage
  14. Seated Tadasana
  15. Bring one knee into the chest, then the other, then both. Exhale, bring knee(s) closer into chest, inhale release
  16. Reverse plank 
  17. Repeat steps 1-12 once every hour

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