Prep for wheel to hand stand (using a wall, duh)
Not a cohesive sequence, lots of little pieces:
Bridge feet toward the wall
Wheel feet toward the wall
Wheel feet toward the wall-->Walk feet up wall-->Kick off wall to handstand-->Release to forward fold
Repeat as desired
- DD
- Lift rt leg
- Knee to nose, lower shin to floor, pick it back up (knee to nose) and again leg to sky. Repeat 3x.
- Knee to nose then lower knee underneath right hip
- Knee down side plank
- Gate pose (left leg is straight)
- Thread the needle in Gate Pose (rt arm to straight left leg)
- Table (facing to side)--> cat/cow
- Gentle Camel pose (hands to lower back, still facing to side)
- Gate Pose (right leg now straight)
- Low lunge rt knee bent
- Low lunge twist to rt
- Vinyasa
- Repeat 1-13 other side
- Low lunge
- Low lunge twist to right (arms open like wings)
- Stand up to high lunge with arm still open like wings (in a twist to rt)
- Rt arm down left leg, left arm opening to sky in backbend
- Prayer Twist, left elbow rt thigh
- Chair twist
- Stand up with right leg to balance twist
- Ankle to knee balance pose (#4 balance)
- Chair
- Vinyasa
- Repeat 1-10 other side
- DD
- Rt leg lifts
- Rt knee to nose
- 3-legged dog
- Rt knee to left elbow, extend the leg to the left and hold for 5 cycles of breath
- Rt knee to nose, extend the rt leg off to the right. Lower the left knee to the earth.
- Gate pose, rt leg straight
- Hand to floor, move the left foot forward, sit to Janu Sirsasana
- Janu series, including star gazer
- Vinyasa
- Repeat 1-10 other side
Bridge feet toward the wall
Wheel feet toward the wall
Wheel feet toward the wall-->Walk feet up wall-->Kick off wall to handstand-->Release to forward fold
Repeat as desired