Up and down, lots of 1/2 happy babies
Wind relieving
1/2 happy baby
Repeat other side
Full happy baby
Rock to Boat Pose
Step left leg back, knee down lunge
Pyramid Pose, torso parallel to earth, and then folded
Forward Fold
Chair Pose
Rt leg in left leg long 1/2 boat
Come with control onto back
1/2 happy baby
Wind relieving
Come back to Boat and then Chair the same way you came out
Repeat other side
Repeat both side, but as flow (one pose per breath)
Sun As
Vira I
Humble Warrior
Vira I
Vira II
Peaceful Warrior
Vira II
Low Lunge Twist
Repeat other side
Standing forward fold w toe bind
Stand up with left foot in hand
Standing 1/2 happy baby
Balancing twist
Step back high lunge
Vira II
Extended Side Angle
Peace finger binds big toe 1/2 moon
Vira II
Wide Legged Forward Fold
Repeat from forward fold, in second set stand on hands forward fold
Belly down back bends
Child's pose
Closing sequencing on back, long holds for the twists
1/2 happy baby
Repeat other side
Full happy baby
Rock to Boat Pose
Step left leg back, knee down lunge
Pyramid Pose, torso parallel to earth, and then folded
Forward Fold
Chair Pose
Rt leg in left leg long 1/2 boat
Come with control onto back
1/2 happy baby
Wind relieving
Come back to Boat and then Chair the same way you came out
Repeat other side
Repeat both side, but as flow (one pose per breath)
Sun As
Vira I
Humble Warrior
Vira I
Vira II
Peaceful Warrior
Vira II
Low Lunge Twist
Repeat other side
Standing forward fold w toe bind
Stand up with left foot in hand
Standing 1/2 happy baby
Balancing twist
Step back high lunge
Vira II
Extended Side Angle
Peace finger binds big toe 1/2 moon
Vira II
Wide Legged Forward Fold
Repeat from forward fold, in second set stand on hands forward fold
Belly down back bends
Child's pose
Closing sequencing on back, long holds for the twists