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Prep Sequence for Galavasana
- Start on back, ankle to knee pose, keeping opposite foot on floor (less intense version). Repeat other side.
- Block in between thighs, legs side to side for core work (arms in letter "T", palms down)
- Bridge Pose with "Robot arms"
- More "core work"
- Happy baby
- Boat, block in between thighs
- DD
- Plank
- Lift right leg 3x knee to nose
- Right foot forward, left knee to ground
- Arms to sky, side stretch
- Hands move to right thigh, interlaced
- Variation runner's lunge (torso to 45 degree angle)
- Standing split
- Forward Fold
- Roll to standing
- Eagle on left leg
- Standing
- Uttanasana
- Right foot forward left leg steps back-->Pyramid variation w flows
- Plank
- 3x baby cobra
- Child's
- Camel variation
- Table--> cat/cow
- DD
- Repeat steps 8-26 other side
- Draw circles with rt leg DD
- Right foot forward, left knee down
- Right hand to side of right hip (block or floor), deeper side body stretch
- Hands move to right thigh, interlaced
- Variation runner's lunge (torso to 45 degree angle)--> Reach arms forward (torso still to 45 degree angle)
- Standing split
- Forward Fold
- Chair Pose
- Chair Pose twists
- Uttanasana
- Right foot forward left leg steps back-->Pyramid variation to hold
- Plank
- 3x Cobra
- Child's
- Camel variation
- Table--> cat/cow
- DD
- Repeat steps 28-44 other side
- *move to wall
- Chair against wall
- Ankle to thigh against wall, both sides (5 cycles of breath each side).
- DD again wall (torso parallel to earth)
- *move back to mat
- 3 Sun As
- 2 Sun As with weight shifting to hands and back in forward fold (engage bandhas, crow prep work)
- Crow-->vinyasa to DD
- Right foot to left thumb, bend and straighten right knee toward rt right ("floating pigeon" flow)
- Warrior I
- Humble Warrior
- Warrior II
- Dancing Warrior
- Low lunge twist to "half side plank" (IT band and hip opening variation) to flow (hips lift and lower)
- Full side plank
- Plank
- Vinyasa
- Repeat steps 54-62 other side
- Belly down back bends
- Child's pose
- DD-->Uttanasana-->Chair
- Galavanasana! Both sides. Have fun, take time.
- Vinyasa to meet on backs
- Back bend series
- Long hold supine twists
- Inversions *if there's time, legs up the wall work
- Savasana