Vasisthasana: Coming into Full Side Plank


When most of us think of side plank, we think of one hand on the ground, one arm to the sky, and feet stacked on top of one another. The full version of side plank, however, looks more like the version seen above. Yikes, right?

This week, I've been teaching warm ups to begin playing around with the full version. Even if the full extension doesn't happen (or is still a few feet or a few miles away), it's fun to play with. I hope you enjoy playing with this sequence, too!

  1. Begin with meditation on back (supine)
  2. Utthita Hasta Padangustasana A + B on back. Repeat other side. 
  3. Navasana
  4. Seated twist to right
  5. Navasana
  6. Seated twist to left
  7. Navasana
  8. Table top
  9. Extend opposite arm and leg. Repeat other side.
  10. Extend opposite arm and leg and bind. Repeat other side. 
  11. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Dog)
  12. Tadasana (Mountain)
  13. Arms overhead in Temple Mudra, side stretch both side, holding 5 cycles of breath each side
  14. Back bend with hands in Temple Mudra overhead
  15. Uttanasana (Forward Fold)
  16. Vinyasa to DD
  17. Low lunge, hands to either side of foot. Float front foot back to stack on top of back foot.
  18. Feet stacked version of side plank
  19. Vinyasa
  20. Repeat steps 17-19 on other side
  21. DD
  22. Tadasana
  23. Hand to opposite wrist overhead, stretch sideways for side and wrist stretch. Hold both sides for 5 cycles of breath. 
  24. Hands interlace, press ceiling away, 5 cycles of breath
  25. Uttanasana
  26. Low lunge, 5-10 round of jumping switch step ("mountain climbers")
  27. Side plank with top foot hovering a few inches over bottom foot
  28. Vinyasa
  29. Repeat steps 26-28 on other side
  30. DD
  31. Tadasana
  32. Arms overhead in Temple Mudra, side stretch both side, holding 5 cycles of breath each side. Take opposite foot off the ground than the direction you are tilting for added balance work.
  33. Back bend with hands in Temple Mudra overhead
  34. Uttanasana
  35. Vinyasa to DD
  36. Low lunge
  37. Float to side plank
  38. "Flip plank" (teaching ourselves how to gracefully "fall" out of full Vasisthasana)
  39. Repeat steps 36-38 on other side
  40. Child's pose for 1-3 minutes to prepare for full Vasisthasana
  41. Tadasana
  42. Standing Camel Pose, hands to lower back or thighs.
  43. Uttanasana
  44. Vinyasa to low lunge
  45. Take peace fingers to big toe of front foot. Using core, lift leg into side plank with tree leg
  46. Lightly place foot back at top of mat
  47. Repeat steps 45-46 a few times, feeling the action of lifting lightly and using the core
  48. Vasisthasana
  49. Child's pose
  50. Repeat steps 44-49 on other side
  51. Wrist stretches
  52. Back bends
  53. Twists
  54. Inversion
  55. Savasana

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