Transitioning into Side Plank

I've been teaching a really fun transition into Side Plank (or Vasisthasana in Sanksrit) this week. Instead of coming in from Plank and shifting the weight to one hand and foot to come onto your side, I've been teaching it from Extended Side Angle.

Here's how it works: Come into normal Extended Side Angle Pose. Reaching the top arm up to the ceiling, take your lower hand and firmly plant it right by your front pinky toe (it's okay if your chest faces toward the floor a bit). Engaging the core (*a lot*) press into your hand and bring your front foot back, next to the back foot (don't try to stack the feet-- it won't work). And... ta-dah! Side Plank!

I prepped for it with the following:

  1. 5-10 minutes of core work to bring awareness to Uddiyana Bandha (or "Core Lock")
  2. 5 Sun Salutation As with one Chair Pose per Sun Salutation to warm the legs up (tons of leg and core strength is needed in Side Plank so the arms don't work too hard)
  3. Padangustasana (Big Toe Pose)
  4. Trivikramasana (Vishnu Pose)
  5. Tree Pose
  6. Repeating 3-5 on other side
  7. Warrior III
  8. Balancing Half Moon
  9. Warrior II
  10. Peaceful Warrior
  11. Warrior II
  12. Triangle Pose
  13. Extended Side Angle to...
  14. ... Side Plank!!
  15. Repeat steps 7-14 on the other side
Cool down with wrist stretches, gentle twists ("Thread the Needle" from table top is a great option), and maybe an inversion.


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