Guest Post from Alison Fellers of Yoga Landing

Not only did Alison submit an amazing, flowing, and fun sequence, she also submitted the coolest picture this blog has ever seen. Hipstamatic, anyone? Just guessing.

As Alison put it, this is a sequence where "students are literally 'in touch' with their bodies." The only clarifying question I had for Alison was about Thunderbolt pose (I knew it as a seated posture). Alison says: "Thunderbolt for me is crescent lunge legs and arms in high diagonal. Biceps by ears...long line from heel to finger tips." Sounds electric, no?

A whole heap of gratitude to Alison, who teaches at Yoga Landing in Chattanooga, Tennessee, for this awesome sequence. I especially like the three Locust variations as well as the overall theme of self-awareness through self-care. Thank you, Alison!

Start on back facing back of room
Meditation/ 3 part breath. One hand on belly, one on chest
Students use their fingers to smooth out their brows, temple rub
Ear to mat, switch sides for neck stretch
Feet wide, knees together, hands on thighs...push thighs away from you

Roll to belly (now you should be facing front of room)
Locust 3x
           Hands down/ chest down/feet up
           Hands down/ feet down / head up
           Hands, feet, chest all up
Downward facing dog
Utanasana (Forward fold) fingers press and massage hamstrings, squeeze calves with hands
Airplane arms
Forward fold
Peace fingers hold right toe...lift leg for balance (switch)

Downward facing dog
5 donkey kicks right leg
Crescent lunge
Airplane arms
Full airplane
Warrior III
Standing splits
Kundalini sciatic stretch (ankles kiss left behind right forward fold)
Flow, switch

Dragon (note: I wasn't familiar with Dragon, so I used Google images)
Lizard...back knee up
Thread arm under for shoelace arms in wide leg fold facing side wall
Tripod option
Dragon back of room other leg
Shoelace arm wide leg fold other arm on top
Tripod or forearm balance

End in a few yin postures

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