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- Gomukhasana legs while lying on back
- Happy baby
- Supine boat pose
- Gomukhasana on back with other leg on top
- Supine straddle posture
- Boat pose
- Table
- Cat/cow spine
- DD
- Sun Salutations A +B (your choice to quantity and style)
- DD
- Lift right leg
- Place right foot in between hands and turn to wide leg fwd fold
- Airplane arms in wide leg fwd fold (5 cycles of breath). On second set of this, arms straight and parallel to ears.
- Interlace hands behind back to refold
- Hands to earth return to lunge position, hands on floor
- Lunge twist, lifting right arm to sky
- Plank, vinyasa
- DD
- Again lift right leg
- High lunge
- High lunge twist
- Step to chair twist
- Lift right leg to standing balancing twist
- Face forward hug rt thigh to chest
- #4 stretch (galavasana prep)
- Tadasana
- Vinyasa
- Repeat 11-28 other leg
- Child's pose
- Table top
- Gomukhasana legs in table top (rt leg in front of left leg)
- Move hips side to side
- Puppy dog/anahatasana stretch with gomuk. legs
- Plant left leg back behind, rt knee to nose, rt foot in between hands
- Warrior II
- Warrior II with garudasana arms (long hold, at least 5 cycles of breath)
- Extended side angle with garudasana arms
- Regular extended side angle
- Triangle
- Lizard
- Side plank or half side plank
- Plank
- Vinyasa
- Repeat 30-45 other side
- Childs
- Gomukhasana (full posture)
- Return to step #32
- Place rt foot in between hands and lift torso
- Side crow or koundinyasana
- Vinyasa to DD
- Repeat 47-51
- Supine for backbends, inversions, and supine twists
- Savasana