Flow sequence to Crabby Crow: 1/2 Crow, 1/2 Tittibhasana
Hannah came up with the name, who knows came up with the shape.
- Half Frog on belly, starting with right knee out to the side, cactus/goal post arms
- Extend right leg straight behind you, roll onto right side of body with right arm still in goal post/cactus. Bend knees into fetal position.
- Roll back to belly
- Cross arms in front of you, going in opposite direction. Place a block underneath forehead.
- Repeat steps 1-4 on other side
- Table top position with "shoulder flossing" (static push ups)
- Knees-Chest-Chin to belly
- Cobra x3
- Locust with hands interlaced behind back
- Table
- Cat/cow
- DD
- Standing
- Longer hold side stretches with hand to opposite wrist
- Sun As
- DD
- 3-legged dog (rt leg to sky), open and close straight rt leg
- 3x knee to nose
- Low lunge bend and straighten front leg
- Pause leg straight and flow over straight leg (variation pyramid legs)
- Vinyasa to repeat 17-20 other side
- Malasana
- Crow
- Vinyasa to DD
- 3-legged dog (rt leg to sky), bend knee and draw circles with knee
- 3-limbed plank 3x knee to nose
- Knee down lunge, right hand to left wrist side stretch
- Return to center
- Pyramid Variation
- Parivrtta trikonasana variation (back heel lifted)
- Low lunge
- Vinyasa
- Repeat 25-32 other side
- Belly down backbends
- Childs
- DD
- 3-legged dog (rt leg to sky), flip dog
- Low lunge (direct from flip dog, don't use rt arm/hand)
- Turn to wide leg forward fold (facing left)
- Shoulder stretches in wide legged fold
- Star Pose
- Warrior II
- Dancing Warrior
- Triangle
- Balancing Half Moon
- Lizard
- Crabby Crow (rt leg in Tittibhasana, left leg in crow)
- Lizard with twist (shoulder opener, quad stretch)
- Half or Full split
- Vinyasa
- Repeat 36-50 other side
- Backbends on back
- Twists
- Inversions
- Savasana