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Super yummy side stretches
- Child's pose
- Walk hands to right (1 minute) and then left (1 minute)
- Cat/cow table
- DD with knees so bent chest can touch (or almost touch) thighs. Straighten right leg, then re-bend. Same with left leg. Repeat twice each side.
- Walk hands to feet for standing forward fold
- Do the same thing as step #4 in Uttanasana
- Walk forward to DD
- Cobra
- Baby Salabhasana
- DD
- Low lunge (rt leg)
- Low lunge with side stretch
- 1/2 splits with torso waves
- Gate Pose
- Face to back of room (180 on yoga mat)
- Tiger Pose
- 3 legged dog with right leg to sky
- Warrior II
- Peaceful
- Triangle
- Extended side angle with upper arm parallel to ear
- Triangle with upper arm parallel to ear
- Plank
- Vinyasa
- Repeat steps 10-23 other side
- Sun As/Sun Bs
- Tree Pose
- Balancing Half Moon
- Triangle Pose
- Wide Legged Forward Fold
- Walk hands to leg at back of mat for side body stretches
- Bend front leg for deeper side body stretch
- Vinyasa
- DD
- 3-legged dog with hip openers
- Take right knee to nose and extend leg toward the left to hover underneath torso. Take the left hand to the right foot, drop the left foot to the floor (like Warrior II feet), and draw the right foot toward the head. This is an easier variation of Visvamitrasana.
- Vinyasa
- Tadasana
- Repeat steps 27-38 other side
- DD
- High lunge with side body stretch
- 1/2 split
- Gate Pose
- Fold over straight leg in Gate
- Bend straight leg (knee over ankle) for knee-down Visvamitrasana
- Sit down into Janu Sirsasana shape, but without sole of food touching inside of opposite leg
- Parivrtta Janu variation
- Twist to bent knee
- Repeat 40-48 other side
- Pigeon both side
- Supine twists
- Restorative stretches
- Savasana