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Working toward Full Dancer, both hands to foot
- Begin in supported Fish Pose
- Do breath work here
- Remove blocks, lie again on back
- Block in between hands above torso-->bridge-->bridge with block alongside ears-->bridge block above torso-->lower torso-->crunches with block. Repeat 3x.
- Rock forward and back to DD
- Lift right leg, 5 cycles of breath
- Knee down lunge, hands interlaced on thigh, 5 cycles of breath
- Side stretch, lifting left arm
- Pyramid Pose
- Supported Warrior III
- Standing Wind Relieving Pose
- Dancers Pose
- Tadasana
- Uttanasana
- Low lunge, step left foot back (right foot forward)
- Anjaneyasana
- Table
- Cow
- Plank
- Lower to floor
- Cobra x3
- Child's Pose
- Lift the spine to Vajrasana legs seat. Take hands behind you, come onto fingertips with hands facing east and west. Inhale lift hips to back-bend.
- DD
- Repeat steps 6-24 other side
- DD
- Lift right leg. 3x knee to nose.
- Knee down lunge, hands interlaced on thigh
- Side stretch, lifting left arm
- Bend left knee and grab left foot, keep right hand on thigh
- Release to Pyramid Pose
- Supported Warrior III
- Standing Wind Relieving Pose
- Dancer with both hands to ankle or foot
- Tadasana
- Uttanasana
- Low lunge, step left foot back (right foot forward)
- Anjaneyasana
- Come to outer edge of right foot. Right hand to inside of knee to twist (keep left foot grounded)
- Side plank right hand down
- Plank
- Lower to belly
- Cobra
- Child's
- Lift the spine to Vajrasana legs seat. Take hands behind you, come
onto fingertips with hands facing east and west. Inhale lift hips to
- DD
- Repeat steps 27-46 other side
- Sun Salutation As (3x)
- Chair Pose, vinyasa
- DD
- Warrior I
- Warrior I with hands interlaced behind neck
- Warrior II
- Dancing Warrior
- Triangle Pose
- Balancing Half Moon
- Standing Splits (hand stand time, if you like)
- Vinyasa
- Repeat steps 50-57 other side
- Tadasana
- Chair Pose, vinyasa
- DD
- Warrior I
- Warrior II
- Dancing Warrior
- Extended Side Angle
- Chapasana
- Vinyasa
- Repeat steps 62-68 other side
- Belly down back-bends, leading to Bow Pose
- Child's Pose
- Camel Pose
- Vajrasana
- Half Camel with right foot forward, 90 degree angle from thigh to shin. Repeat other side with Vajrasana in between
- Child's Pose
- Full Dancer with strap looped around foot, walking hands toward foot down strap. Repeat other side.
- Vinyasa to DD
- Jump to Boat. Boat/Half Boat flow
- Lower to back
- Supine twists
- Supine ankle-to-knee pose
- Legs Up the Wall
- Savasana