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Prep sequence for Camel Pose
- Blocks underneath back for restorative back bend/heart opener
- Draw circles with knees on back, both ways
- Boat, five cycles of breath to lift legs to full expression. Repeat. Hold boat five cycles of breath.
- Cat/cow in table top
- DD
- DD-->Plank, repeat 5x
- Plank
- Cobra waves with hands wide (lead with back of heart and neck on way up, lead with front of heart and throat on way down)
- Child's Pose
- DD
- Chair with pulses to engage bandhas
- Chair twist (5 cycles breath). Repeat other side.
- Vinyasa
- DD
- High lunge with hands prayer (Camel torso, high lunge legs). Repeat other side.
- Repeat steps 10-15 3-5x, to lift to step 15, roll the torso in the same way you did with Cobra in step 8
- DD with shoulder opening twists, both sides
- Puppy dog stretch
- DD
- Tadasana
- Temple mudra side stretches with breath
- Tadasana
- Temple mudra back bend
- Forward Fold
- Crow
- Vinyasa to DD
- Warrior II
- Peaceful
- Extended
- Goddess with pulses (like step 11)
- Goddess to hold
- Wide legged forward fold
- Lizard (variation for deepest quad and groin opener)
- Half split
- Vinyasa
- Standing Camel pose (hands to sacrum)
- Forward Fold
- Crow
- Repeat steps 26-35 other side
- Repeat step 3
- Gentle seated twist
- Camel using wall three version: A) Facing wall, hands to sacrum B) Facing center of room hands to prayer to drop back C) B) and then walking down wall
- Rabbit
- Supine Twists
- Legs up the Wall
- Savasana