What you practice you get better at
If you practice self-care, you'll get better at it. If you practice speaking to yourself with respect, you'll get better at it. If you practice strength, you'll get better at it.
- Begin on back
- Strap work on back with legs (usual three positions)
- Ankle to knee pose, many variations
- Windshield wiper legs to release
- Repeat steps 2-4 on other side
- Feet to floor, hands to opposition elbow. Draw circles with elbows, both ways
- Side crow on back
- Hand stand on back
- Repeat steps 7 and 8 3x on each side
- Knee circles on back, release belly and massage lower back
- Rock to Chair Pose
- Chair Pose twists with breath, three each side
- Chair Pose flow with Diver's Pose
- Vinyasa
- DD
- Three legged dog
- Right leg to sky
- Lift onto ball of left foot, lift right leg higher and then lower left heel toward earth. Repeat three times.
- Three jack-knifes to DD
- Low lunge with pulses
- Three stage lift to High Lunge
- Gomukhasana arms in High Lunge, back bend gently
- Warrior III with G. arms
- Eagle legs with G. arms
- Eagle arms in Eagle, to bow
- Chair Pose
- Chair Pose with arms open twists (prenatal style), 3x each direction
- Repeat steps 13-25 on other side
- Chair Pose
- Crow Pose
- Vinyasa
- Chair Pose
- Side crow
- Vinyasa
- Repeat steps 28-30 on other side
- Standing in Tadasana
- Strap work or grab big toe for standing balance work that matches leg work on back from beginning
- Standing ankle to knee (with arm balance or fold)
- Vinyasa
- Repeat other side
- Standing splits against the wall
- Pigeon
- Repeat other side
- Supine twists
- Savasana