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Prep sequence for standing splits against a wall
- Begin with scissor leg core work on back
- Bridge to stretch front body
- Boat pose
- Seated side body stretches
- Cat/cow spine in table top
- Opp arm and leg extensions
- Repeat other side
- DD
- 5 Sun As
- DD
- Low lunge, right foot forward (bend and straighten front leg to warm up)
- Supported Warrior III
- Opp arm and leg extension in supported Warrior III
- Stand up, left thigh/knee to chest
- Extend and bend left leg with breath
- Chair Pose
- Twist to right (left elbow to right thigh)
- Step back to Twisted High Lunge
- High Lunge
- Bend and straighten back knee
- High Lunge
- Warrior II
- Peaceful Warrior
- Triangle Pose
- Balancing Half Moon
- Standing Splits
- Lower to seated twists
- Vinyasa to repeat steps 10-27 on other side
- DD
- Right foot forward to High Lunge
- Pyramid Pose
- Short stance Warrior I
- Dancer's Pose (rt foot on ground)
- Chair Pose
- Twist to right
- Lower to Toe Stand Twist (option to arm balance in side crow)
- Toe stand
- Lower to seat
- Seated forward fold// Star Pose on 2nd set
- Reverse Plank or Table Top
- Vinyasa to repeat steps 29-40 on other side
- Standing Splits against the wall, both legs
- Option for hand stands against the wall, lifting from standing splits
- Long child's pose
- Supine twists
- Savasana! (well earned)