I freaking love this flow-tastic sequence

Lower to Belly
Table Childs
Flow between 1-2 minutes
Child's Pose

Table top
Left leg back
Left leg left elbow ("dog at a fire hydrant")
Left leg right elbow under torso
Repeat 2-3x
Right knee down side plank, drawing circles with left arm
Left hand down, left leg straight back on mat. Pressing into ball of left foot, lift right knee to nose in plank
Three legged dog right leg to sky
Right knee to right shoulder
Three legged dog
Right knee to left elbow
Three legged dog
Repeat 2-3x
Warrior I, right foot forward
Humble warrior flow
Peaceful warrior with left arm down left leg
Spin arms to low lunge twist
Hands to earth, lower back knee
Extend right leg behind you for Table top with right leg back, to repeat on other side.

5 Sun As

Downward Facing Dog
Right thigh to chest
Three legged dog
Knee to nose ("jack knife")
Extend right leg under left arm to come into variation of side plank
Knee to nose
Three legged dog
Right foot forward
Warrior I, right foot forward
Humble warrior
Peaceful warrior with left arm down left leg
Spin arms to low lunge twist
Flip plank
Knee to nose
Three limbed plank

Repeat with left leg
Repeat 3-5x

Come onto belly
3-5 belly down back-bends
Child's pose

Variation of side plank with lower leg extended
Spin to flip plank
Spin back and forth between the two poses
Variation of side plank with lower leg extended
Slide knee across mat directly to Prone Pigeon Pose
Hold 2-3 minutes
Repeat other side

Supine twists
Other restorative postures

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