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Wall and wall prep sequence
- Seated meditation
- Cat/cow in seat
- Seated side stretches
- Back bend in seat
- Table top position
- Cat/cow spine in table top
- Downward Dog
- Gentle cat/cow of spine in DD-- eventually finding long spine
- Standing Forward Fold
- Standing Mountain Pose
- 3-4 Sun Salutations
- DD
- Low lunge with pulses with breath
- Vinyasa to repeat on other side
- Chair Pose
- Vinyasa to DD
- High lunge
- High lunge with arms reaching forward and torso hovering over thigh
- Twist torso to face in hovering twist
- High lunge
- Vinyasa to repeat other side
- Chair Pose
- Repeat steps 18-20
- Warrior II
- Triangle Pose
- Peaceful warrior
- Balancing Half Moon
- Peaceful warrior
- Vinyasa to repeat steps 23-28 on other side
- Standing Wide Legged Forward Fold series
- DD
- Parsvottanasana/Pyramid Pose
- High Lunge with gentle back bend
- Vinyasa to repeat steps 31-33
- Come to wall with mat perpendicular to wall
- Triangle prep with left foot to wall
- Take torso to hover over right leg and reach left arm forward to wall in front of you and right arm to sky. Five cycles of breath.
- Traditional triangle pose
- Balancing half moon with left foot on wall
- Take right arm off ground and reach it into the center of the room. Five cycles of breath.
- Traditional balancing half moon
- Release into forward fold
- Repeat steps 37-42 on other side
- Parsvottanasana facing the wall
- Warrior III with finger tips lightly pressing into the wall. Get the spacing so your arms can be straight.
- Warrior III traditional
- Standing splits
- Warrior III with finger tips to wall
- Standing
- Repeat steps 44-49
- DD with heels to wall
- Hand stand work using the wall from DD position
- Inversion practice of choice
- Child's pose
- Come onto back on mat
- Wind relieving pose with right leg into chest and left leg hovering off of the earth
- Knee to nose
- Extend right leg to sky and slowly lower to meet hovering left leg
- Lift left leg to sky and right leg hovers
- Repeat steps 56-58 on other side
- Both knees into chest to draw circles
- Both legs to sky
- Both legs slowly to hover
- Take hands to belly
- Take legs wide and lift torso slightly
- Take legs together-- still hovering-- and lower torso slightly
- Flow between 65 and 66 and breathe!
- Release to the earth
- Happy baby
- Supine bridge
- Wheel or second bridge
- Supine twist
- Savasana