A quick, easy sequence for quads and hamstrings
Now that summer seems be be truly upon us (although, of course, I don't want to jinx it) outdoor activities, running around, and being on your feet are on the rise. If you are feeling a little extra tightness in the legs because of all of the fun you are having, try this sequence-- perfect to squeeze in as a part of a longer sequence-- and feel the tightness melt away!
- Downward Dog
- Right foot forward to knee-down lunge
- Lift arms to sky in lunge
- Runner's lunge or half splits
- Curl back toes under and step left foot forward to transition to Pyramid Pose
- Bend right knee over ankle to a very short Warrior I stance
- Warrior I
- Step forward directly into Dancer's Pose (right foot on floor)
- Tadasana
- Vinyasa to repeat on other side!