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Hiptastic Hip Openers
- Begin supine
- #4 stretch on back
- Bridge Pose
- #4 stretch other leg
- Bridge Pose
- Roll to seated
- Boat Pose
- Seated twist to right
- Swing left leg behind you for Pigeon with right leg forward
- Wave torso over right leg, never fully coming into Pigeon
- Plank
- Vinyasa
- Pedal it out in DD
- Forward Fold
- Chair Pose
- Lower as slowly as possible to Boat Pose
- Repeat steps 8-15 on the other side, with the other leg
- 5 Sun As
- DD
- Right leg lifts to sky
- Exhale right knee to left tricep, repeat 3-5x
- Right foot forward
- Warrior I
- Humble Warrior. Wave torso over right leg before coming into pose completely.
- Warrior III
- Standing balance with left knee into chest (pavana muktasana)
- Standing #4 balance pose, with fold
- Come back to Pavana Muktasana
- Warrior III
- Balancing Half Moon
- Warrior II
- Peaceful Warrior
- Lizard Pose with cat/cow-like pulses of the spine
- Lizard Pose to Hold
- Side plank with left hand down
- Plank
- Vinyasa
- Repeat steps 19-37 with left leg
- Child's pose
- DD
- Pigeon prep: Pigeon upright, with hands on blocks alongside the hips and back knee off the earth (toes curled under). Hold 1 minute.
- Pigeon pose
- Vinyasa
- Repeat steps 40-43 on other side
- Supine twists
- Savasana