Power/Vinyasa Sequence
Just finished teaching a Rockin' Flow class at Mighty Yoga. Music (of the Rockin' variety) from the very start. I don't necessarily practice this way, but it is a tremendously fun class to teach. I almost feel more like I am choreographing the class as opposed to sequencing it. That being said, here is the rough outline of the choreography.
- Child's Pose, 1-3 minutes
- Pull yourself forward to your belly
- Cobra
- Push back to Table, and then again into Child's
- Flow between these postures, starting to warm up the arm strength
- Downward Dog
- Press shoulders to ear and then exhale to release (5x) to accentuate relaxation of shoulders
- Forward fold
- 6x Sun Salutation A
- 5 cycles of breath in Child's or Downward Dog
- In DD, right leg lifts on inhale, exhale knee to nose. Repeat 3x.
- Place foot in between hands and inhale to lift to High Lunge
- 3x Power Lunge
- Warrior II
- Flow between Reverse Warrior and Extended Side Angle ("Dancing the Warrior") a few times
- Vinyasa
- Repeat 10-16 on other side
- Forward Fold
- Chair
- Twist in chair, and flow between twisting to one side and then the other side
- Forward Fold
- Vinyasa
- Downward Dog, right leg lifts on inhale, exhale knee to right tricep. Repeat 3x.
- Place foot in between hands and inhale to lift to Warrior I.
- Interlace hands behind back, exhale to fold forward. Repeat, flowing, 3x.
- Inhale to lift to Warrior I, exhale to open to Warrior II.
- Straighten front leg and lift arms above head, exhale back to Warrior II. Flow between two shapes.
- Vinyasa
- Repeat 23-28 on other side
- Forward Fold
- Chair
- Tadasana/Mountain
- Forward Fold
- Flow between 30-33, Chair Flow 5-10 cycles of breath
- Vinyasa
- Let's put it all together! In DD, take right leg up on inhale, exhale to left tricep. Repeat 3x. Take foot in between hands. Repeat lunge and power lunge, Warrior I and Warrior I bows, Dancing Warrior and Warrior II straighten and bends-- flowing between the pairs before moving onto the next set of pairs.
- End up in Warrior II
- Triangle (long hold)
- Lizard Pose (long hold)
- Plank
- Vinyasa
- Repeat 36-41 on the other side
- Half reclined pigeon (long hold)
- Come up, bend back leg, maybe grab a hold of it (long-ish hold)
- Three legged dog, drawing circles with knee
- Vinyasa
- Repeat 43-46 on other side of body
- Last push before Savasana! In DD take right leg up. Take knee to nose, and then extend back, knee to right tricep and then extend back, and then knee to left tricep and then extend back. Repeat 3x before placing foot in between the hands.
- Rise up to high lunge, before taking a high lunge twist. Hold for 5 cycles of breath.
- Repeat 48-50 on other side.
- Cool down! Take some wrist releasing stretches, Supine Twists, and inversions. Take 5-10 minutes to let the body cool down.