Sunshine Flow

 I have to admit it's getting better, it's getting better all the time.

1. 5 minutes of core work
2. Roll up to table
3. Cat/cow
4. Downward dog
5. Uttanasana (Forward Fold)
6. Tadasana (Mountain)
7. 5-10 Sun As
8. Chair (Utkatasana)
9. Uttanasana
10. Step left leg back
11. Inhale to rise to Crescent (or High) Lunge
12. Hold for 5 cycles of breath
13. Release and vinyasa
14. Step left foot forward into Warrior I
15. Hold for 5 cycles of breath
16. Release and vinyasa
17. Repeat 10-16 with other leg stepping back into lunge, and other leg stepping forward into Warrior I
18. Repeat this whole sequence (10-17) four more times. For these repetitions, however, one breath per posture (no 5 breath holds) By the end, even if it's not sunny where you are, you should be feeling pretty fired-up.
19. Childs
20. Warrior II (5 cycles of breath)
21. Revolved Warrior (1 minute)
22. Extended side angle (1 minute)
23. Vinyasa to repeat 20-22 on other side *after moving so quickly, it's good to hold some poses for an excessively long period of time, to feel and notice the difference in our heart rates and breath
24. Table
25. Dolphin (hold for 1 minute)
26. Forearm plank (hold for 1 minute) *same principle as above, still working hard, but in stillness as opposed to constant movement
27. Childs or Puppy Dog (Utthita Shishonasana)
28. Gentle inversion
29. Gentle twist
30. Savasana

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