March Meditation Madness Fail
Maybe March wasn't the best month to set for my Meditation Challenge. Maybe it was the whole idea of challenge. Maybe it was being a little bit cocky from February success. Whatever the poor excuse, I did not meditate every day in March. I had set my goal at the measly amount of 5 minutes (at the least) every day. Five minutes, some days, was not possible.
Some days it genuinely wasn't possible. Either having a houseguest or being one (someone sleeping in my living room or sleeping in someone's living room), there were about four days when there literally wasn't a place I could be by myself (save the bathroom). What does a girl do then? Where does she go? What does she do? Here, I think the idea of yogic non-attachment comes in. I cannot have attachments, even to my meditation practice. Of course, these are often the days when you need meditation the most. Hence, the importance of sitting every other day it is physically possible.
Here the other tricky part comes in. The "physically possible" part. I got really sick this past week. Every part of my body wanted to be in bed, not sitting on a cushion on my floor, desperately trying to breathe in and out through my nose (double fail on that one). Do you meditate in bed? Do you sit when sick? What are the meditation breathing techniques for a nose more stuffed than an olive?
I'm just a newbie here in deep waters that I want to swim in. Looking for advice. Coping with "Fail." But... knowing there's always April?
How did you do on your March meditation?
Arm burning, core heating sequence
This isn't a whole practice. It's maybe 20-30 minutes that can be done after a warm up, and can be followed by more of a practice or just a cool down.
1. Tadasana (Mountain Pose)
2. Uttanasana (Forward Fold)
3. Jump or step back to Plank
4. In Plank, shift the weight one inch forward and one inch back. Do this without lifting and lowering the hips and by keeping the body in a straight line from the crown of the head to the heels of the feet. Continue for 5 long cycles of breath.
5. Chaturanga
6. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) or Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (Upward Facing Dog)
7. Lower back to floor
8. Push back up to Plank
9. Repeat step 4
10. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog)
11. Uttanasana (Forward Fold)
12 Tadasana (Mountain Pose)
Repeat this entire sequence, but in step 4 and 9, only hold, shifting weight one inch forward and back, for 4 cycles of breathe. Keep repeating, lowering the amount of time in steps 4 and 9 until you flow through entire sequence. Your choice: stop once you count down, or pyramid and count right back up to 5 cycles of breath!