12 Poses to Strengthen Your Immunity with Lexi Yoga

It's a special, guest-spot-only week here at the Joy of Yoga. Every day will be a guest post of infinite wonderfulness and creativity. If you, gentle reader, have a sequence to share, as well, please let me know. I love these things, oh my goodness.

We start off our week with a repeat performance from the Divine Miss Lexi of Lexi Yoga. When the seasons start to do their slow change, as they seem to be doing around these parts, I often get sick. Something about the temperature not being able to make up its mind. Good timing, then, for Lexi to come through with poses to strengthen immunity. Here, then, is a sequence good for whenever that cold might be coming on, to help shut it off.

12 Poses to Strengthen Your Immunity with Lexi Yoga

We are surrounded by environmental pollutants, toxins, non nutrient dense diets and constant stress which all affect our immune system causing it to weaken and be susceptible to disease. There are steps you can take to strengthen your immunity and heal your self naturally. Changing your diet, reducing stress and increasing physical activity can all work together to change your life for the better.

Adding yoga into your life is an awesome way to build a strong defense system for your body.  The goal is to get your muscles moving and increase the movement of your lymph nodes. There are specific yoga postures that can help cleanse your body and release toxins, germs and infections. Inversions are great since they work against gravity. When you're upside down, your heart gets a chance to rest, as gravity naturally increases blood flow to the heart. The can improve all brain and hormonal functions. 

I've put together a sequence of 12 yoga postures that should be practiced on a daily basis to dramatically improve your immunity and well-being.
To benefit the most, try to remain in the postures for as long as you can. You can warm up with Sun Salutations. Try to do at least 5 to really heat up your body.
  1. Sun Salutations- Surya Namaskar
  2. Downward Dog - Adho Mukha Svanasana
  3. Straddle Forward Bend - Prasarita Padottanasana
  4. Plough Pose - Halasana
  5. Fish Pose - Matsyasana
  6. Camel Pose - Ustrasana
  7. Bow Pose - Dhanurasana
  8. Seated Twist - Ardha Matsyendrasana
  9. Wheel Pose - Urdhva Dhanurasana
  10. Headstand - Salamba Sirsasana
  11. Child's Pose - Balasana
  12. Corpse Pose - Savasana


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