Snow Day Yoga

I seem to notice how many teachers and educators I have in my life on days like today: snow days.

Sissy Ray Ray, upon being reached this morning, declared she wasn't planning on leaving the house, but would spend all day packing for her upcoming trip to Miami. Facebook revealed normally sedate, refined teacher-types as wild, exclamation-prone children, who just wanted to go play outside. The teacher in me? Is excited for the good excuse to restart a good, solid home practice.

After playing in the snow, and getting good and tired, relax and get cozy with a snow day restorative practice.

Snow Day Yoga

Restorative yoga, generally speaking, uses lots of props and is designed to let the body open and relax passively. Hold these poses for 3-5 minutes and focus the breath on the area where you feel the stretch/opening. I prefer restorative practices later in the day; relaxing helps me unwind and prepare for sleeping and settling in for the night.
  1. Sukhasana (Easy Pose) 
  2. Dirgha and Ujjayi Pranayama (Three Part Breath and Ocean Sounding Breath). Come back to this breath often throughout this practice.   
  3. Baddha Konasana (Cobbler's Pose). Put props under knees or sitting bones if needed 
  4. Gomukhasana (Face of Light Pose) with arms resting in a comfortable place. 
  5. Upavistha Konasana (Seated Wide Angle Pose).
  6. Repeat step 4 with other leg on top 
  7. Supta Kapotanasana (Reclined Pigeon). Repeat other side. A pillow under the hip can feel nice here
  8. Cat/Cow in table, 6-10 breaths 
  9. Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclining Bound Angle Pose) Note: for all reclining poses, using bolsters and pillows helps make the practice feel more restorative 
  10. Supta Virasana Reclining (Hero Pose) 
  11. Supta Matsyendrasana (Reclined Twist Pose)
  12. Viparita Karani (Legs up the Wall Pose). Hold for 5-10 minutes.
  13. Savasana (Corpse Pose). Hold for twice your usual length.

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