Vinyasa Sequence

This week's focus has been moving with an equal count inhale and exhale. For example, if you inhale to five counts to lift your arms above your head, you exhale to five counts to lower them back down. We worked to notice not just the more obvious parts of our body warming up, but also how our lungs can warm up and expand to hold more air and more efficiently move oxygen throughout the body. It is a slower practice and a more mindful practice.
  1. Meditation, focusing on equal length exhale to inhale, without forcing the breath or gasping for air
  2. Seated Sun Breaths
  3. Table top
  4. Cat/cow
  5. Downward Dog to Plank to Downward Dog
  6. Forward Fold
  7. 6 Sun Salutation As
  8. Forward fold longer hold, matching inhale to exhale in physical stillness (as opposed to movement based)
  9. Chair pose with Eagle arms
  10. Exhale elbows to or toward knees
  11. Inhale to life back to chair with Eagle arms
  12. Flow between 9-11 a few times, using belly strength
  13. Warrior III with Eagle arms
  14. Gently step back foot down (first onto ball, then onto heel) and raise arms for Warrior I
  15. Interlace hands behind back and exhale to fold
  16. Inhale to Warrior I
  17. Warrior II
  18. Peaceful Warrior
  19. Extended side angle
  20. Warrior II
  21. Float arms down, come into low lunge
  22. Bring foot in between hands back and into the air for Three Legged Dog
  23. Exhale knee to nose
  24. Inhale Three Legged Dog
  25. Flow between 23-24 a few times
  26. Place foot back in between hands
  27. Inhale to high lunge
  28. Exhale to high lunge twist
  29. Step forward to chair twist
  30. Inhale to chair pose
  31. Take opposite arm under for eagle arms in chair pose
  32. Repeat starting at step 10 with other side!
Give a long time to cool down. A couple of pigeon poses, gentle back bends, and inversions are all good ideas.

I always appreciate feedback and have fun flowing!

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