Prep Sequence for Galavasana

  1. Start on back, ankle to knee pose, keeping opposite foot on floor (less intense version). Repeat other side.
  2. Block in between thighs, legs side to side for core work (arms in letter "T", palms down)
  3. Bridge Pose with "Robot arms"
  4. More "core work" 
  5. Happy baby
  6. Boat, block in between thighs
  7. DD
  8. Plank
  9. Lift right leg 3x knee to nose
  10. Right foot forward, left knee to ground
  11. Arms to sky, side stretch
  12. Hands move to right thigh, interlaced 
  13. Variation runner's lunge (torso to 45 degree angle)
  14. Standing split
  15. Forward Fold
  16. Roll to standing 
  17. Eagle on left leg
  18. Standing
  19. Uttanasana
  20. Right foot forward left leg steps back-->Pyramid variation w flows
  21. Plank
  22. 3x baby cobra
  23. Child's
  24. Camel variation
  25. Table--> cat/cow
  26. DD
  27. Repeat steps 8-26 other side
  28. Draw circles with rt leg DD
  29. Right foot forward, left knee down
  30. Right hand to side of right hip (block or floor), deeper side body stretch
  31. Hands move to right thigh, interlaced 
  32. Variation runner's lunge (torso to 45 degree angle)--> Reach arms forward (torso still to 45 degree angle)
  33. Standing split
  34. Forward Fold
  35. Chair Pose
  36. Chair Pose twists
  37. Uttanasana 
  38. Right foot forward left leg steps back-->Pyramid variation to hold
  39. Plank
  40. 3x Cobra
  41. Child's
  42. Camel variation
  43. Table--> cat/cow
  44. DD
  45. Repeat steps 28-44 other side
  46. *move to wall
  47. Chair against wall
  48. Ankle to thigh against wall, both sides (5 cycles of breath each side).
  49. DD again wall (torso parallel to earth)
  50. *move back to mat
  51. 3 Sun As
  52. 2 Sun As with weight shifting to hands and back in forward fold (engage bandhas, crow prep work) 
  53. Crow-->vinyasa to DD
  54. Right foot to left thumb, bend and straighten right knee toward rt right ("floating pigeon" flow)
  55. Warrior I
  56. Humble Warrior
  57. Warrior II
  58. Dancing Warrior
  59. Low lunge twist to "half side plank" (IT band and hip opening variation) to flow (hips lift and lower)
  60. Full side plank
  61. Plank
  62. Vinyasa
  63. Repeat steps 54-62 other side
  64. Belly down back bends 
  65. Child's pose
  66. DD-->Uttanasana-->Chair
  67. Galavanasana! Both sides. Have fun, take time. 
  68. Vinyasa to meet on backs
  69. Back bend series
  70. Long hold supine twists
  71. Inversions *if there's time, legs up the wall work
  72. Savasana

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