Working toward Full Dancer, both hands to foot

  1. Begin in supported Fish Pose
  2. Do breath work here
  3. Remove blocks, lie again on back
  4. Block in between hands above torso-->bridge-->bridge with block alongside ears-->bridge block above torso-->lower torso-->crunches with block. Repeat 3x.
  5. Rock forward and back to DD
  6. Lift right leg, 5 cycles of breath
  7. Knee down lunge, hands interlaced on thigh, 5 cycles of breath
  8. Side stretch, lifting left arm
  9. Pyramid Pose
  10. Supported Warrior III
  11. Standing Wind Relieving Pose
  12. Dancers Pose
  13. Tadasana
  14. Uttanasana
  15. Low lunge, step left foot back (right foot forward)
  16. Anjaneyasana
  17. Table
  18. Cow
  19. Plank
  20. Lower to floor
  21. Cobra x3
  22. Child's Pose
  23. Lift the spine to Vajrasana legs seat. Take hands behind you, come onto fingertips with hands facing east and west. Inhale lift hips to back-bend. 
  24. DD
  25. Repeat steps 6-24 other side
  26. DD
  27. Lift right leg. 3x knee to nose.
  28. Knee down lunge, hands interlaced on thigh
  29.  Side stretch, lifting left arm
  30. Bend left knee and grab left foot, keep right hand on thigh
  31. Release to Pyramid Pose
  32. Supported Warrior III
  33. Standing Wind Relieving Pose
  34. Dancer with both hands to ankle or foot
  35. Tadasana
  36. Uttanasana
  37. Low lunge, step left foot back (right foot forward)
  38. Anjaneyasana
  39. Come to outer edge of right foot. Right hand to inside of knee to twist (keep left foot grounded)
  40. Side plank right hand down
  41. Plank
  42. Lower to belly
  43. Cobra
  44. Child's
  45. Lift the spine to Vajrasana legs seat. Take hands behind you, come onto fingertips with hands facing east and west. Inhale lift hips to back-bend. 
  46. DD
  47. Repeat steps 27-46 other side
  48. Sun Salutation As (3x)
  49. Chair Pose, vinyasa
  50. DD
  51. Warrior I
  52. Warrior I with hands interlaced behind neck
  53. Warrior II
  54. Dancing Warrior
  55. Triangle Pose
  56. Balancing Half Moon
  57. Standing Splits (hand stand time, if you like)
  58. Vinyasa
  59. Repeat steps 50-57 other side
  60. Tadasana
  61. Chair Pose, vinyasa
  62. DD
  63. Warrior I
  64. Warrior II
  65. Dancing Warrior
  66. Extended Side Angle
  67. Chapasana
  68. Vinyasa
  69. Repeat steps 62-68 other side
  70. Belly down back-bends, leading to Bow Pose
  71. Child's Pose
  72. Camel Pose
  73. Vajrasana
  74. Half Camel with right foot forward, 90 degree angle from thigh to shin. Repeat other side with Vajrasana in between
  75. Child's Pose
  76. Full Dancer with strap looped around foot, walking hands toward foot down strap. Repeat other side. 
  77. Vinyasa to DD
  78. Jump to Boat. Boat/Half Boat flow
  79. Lower to back
  80. Supine twists
  81. Supine ankle-to-knee pose
  82. Legs Up the Wall
  83. Savasana

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