Prep sequence for standing splits against a wall

  1. Begin with scissor leg core work on back
  2. Bridge to stretch front body
  3. Boat pose
  4. Seated side body stretches
  5. Cat/cow spine in table top
  6. Opp arm and leg extensions
  7. Repeat other side
  8. DD
  9. 5 Sun As
  10. DD
  11. Low lunge, right foot forward (bend and straighten front leg to warm up)
  12. Supported Warrior III
  13. Opp arm and leg extension in supported Warrior III
  14. Stand up, left thigh/knee to chest
  15. Extend and bend left leg with breath
  16. Chair Pose
  17. Twist to right (left elbow to right thigh)
  18. Step back to Twisted High Lunge
  19. High Lunge
  20. Bend and straighten back knee
  21. High Lunge
  22. Warrior II
  23. Peaceful Warrior
  24. Triangle Pose
  25. Balancing Half Moon
  26. Standing Splits
  27. Lower to seated twists
  28. Vinyasa to repeat steps 10-27 on other side
  29. DD
  30. Right foot forward to High Lunge
  31. Pyramid Pose
  32. Short stance Warrior I
  33. Dancer's Pose (rt foot on ground)
  34. Chair Pose
  35. Twist to right
  36. Lower to Toe Stand Twist (option to arm balance in side crow)
  37. Toe stand
  38. Lower to seat
  39. Seated forward fold// Star Pose on 2nd set
  40. Reverse Plank or Table Top
  41. Vinyasa to repeat steps 29-40 on other side
  42. Standing Splits against the wall, both legs
  43. Option for hand stands against the wall, lifting from standing splits
  44. Long child's pose
  45. Supine twists
  46. Savasana! (well earned)

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