Wall and wall prep sequence

  1. Seated meditation
  2. Cat/cow in seat
  3. Seated side stretches
  4. Back bend in seat
  5. Table top position
  6. Cat/cow spine in table top
  7. Downward Dog
  8. Gentle cat/cow of spine in DD-- eventually finding long spine
  9. Standing Forward Fold
  10. Standing Mountain Pose
  11. 3-4 Sun Salutations
  12. DD
  13. Low lunge with pulses with breath
  14. Vinyasa to repeat on other side
  15. Chair Pose
  16. Vinyasa to DD
  17. High lunge
  18. High lunge with arms reaching forward and torso hovering over thigh
  19. Twist torso to face in hovering twist
  20. High lunge
  21. Vinyasa to repeat other side
  22. Chair Pose
  23. Repeat steps 18-20 
  24. Warrior II
  25. Triangle Pose
  26. Peaceful warrior
  27. Balancing Half Moon
  28. Peaceful warrior
  29. Vinyasa to repeat steps 23-28 on other side
  30. Standing Wide Legged Forward Fold series
  31. DD
  32. Parsvottanasana/Pyramid Pose
  33. High Lunge with gentle back bend
  34. Vinyasa to repeat steps 31-33
  35. Come to wall with mat perpendicular to wall
  36. Triangle prep with left foot to wall
  37. Take torso to hover over right leg and reach left arm forward to wall in front of you and right arm to sky. Five cycles of breath.
  38. Traditional triangle pose
  39. Balancing half moon with left foot on wall
  40. Take right arm off ground and reach it into the center of the room. Five cycles of breath.
  41. Traditional balancing half moon
  42. Release into forward fold
  43. Repeat steps 37-42 on other side
  44. Parsvottanasana facing the wall
  45. Warrior III with finger tips lightly pressing into the wall. Get the spacing so your arms can be straight.
  46. Warrior III traditional
  47. Standing splits
  48. Warrior III with finger tips to wall
  49. Standing
  50. Repeat steps 44-49
  51. DD with heels to wall
  52. Hand stand work using the wall from DD position
  53. Inversion practice of choice
  54. Child's pose
  55. Come onto back on mat
  56. Wind relieving pose with right leg into chest and left leg hovering off of the earth
  57. Knee to nose
  58. Extend right leg to sky and slowly lower to meet hovering left leg
  59. Lift left leg to sky and right leg hovers
  60. Repeat steps 56-58 on other side
  61. Both knees into chest to draw circles
  62. Both legs to sky
  63. Both legs slowly to hover
  64. Take hands to belly
  65. Take legs wide and lift torso slightly
  66. Take legs together-- still hovering-- and lower torso slightly
  67. Flow between 65 and 66 and breathe!
  68. Release to the earth
  69. Happy baby
  70. Supine bridge
  71. Wheel or second bridge
  72. Supine twist
  73. Savasana

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